When Firefighters make the ultimate sacrifice, whether in the course of their duty or years later because of the health risks they accepted, Local Assistance Support Team (LAST) is there for their families.
The American Fire Service has over 330 years of service and dedication to the citizens of the United States of America. During this time, the Fire Service has evolved from small, loosely organized brigades of men using horse-drawn wagons and muscle power to extinguish fires, into sophisticated “all-hazards” Fire Service agencies performing high risk operations such as: fighting structure fires, wildland fires, beach and inland water rescues, hazardous materials responses, explosive ordnance mitigations, technical rescues, urban search and rescues, and saving lives and property with emergency medicine, and protecting the communities of they serve.
Because of this mission and the hazardous duties, many members of the Fire Service have been called upon to make the greatest sacrifice an individual can make in the performance of their sworn duties. In communities, large and small, it has been a long-standing tradition to honor this sacrifice. The honor bestowed upon a fallen Firefighter is a direct reflection of the appreciation of the citizens for whom the Firefighter served.
The United States Fire Administration (USFA) estimates that approximately 100 Firefighters die in the line of duty each year. This does not include those Firefighters who die of job-related illnesses during employment or after retirement. These losses have been coupled with numerous active-duty member deaths and countless retired member deaths. Once an individual takes the oath to serve society and is sworn into service they become part of the sacred fraternity. The bonds of this family remain in perpetuity regardless of rank, office, or employment status. Therefore, the loss of a uniformed member, affiliated member, or retired member of the Fire Service, whether duty-related or not can be a traumatic event for everyone involved.
Due to these facts, FirefighterAid has developed a Local Assistance Support Team (LAST). Resources from the FirefighterAid LAST Team can serve as a guideline for honoring the service and sacrifice of our deceased brothers and sisters. LAST can provide options to guide the Department, Union, allied support groups, and responsible department members in planning the final tribute to a fallen brother or sister. These options can be selected as appropriate for the circumstance of death, in accordance with the wishes and needs of the family and Department.