
Relief Crew

Join the Relief Crew

Tragically, several of our SDFD friends are currently battling cancer. As expected, many brothers and sisters have stepped up to volunteer their time to help them. FirefighterAid, the nonprofit side of the San Diego Fireman’s Relief Association, oversees the backend of this process by creating schedules, assessing needs, and essentially making it easier for volunteers to provide help. 

Many people routinely contact FirefighterAid tell us they want to volunteer or to help. So we’ve decided to create a database of do gooders who are interested in stepping up to help our own when needs arise.

Examples of needs include: driving Firefighters to appointments, mowing lawns, cleaning up yards, grocery shopping, meal preparation, and more. Once signed up, you’ll receive periodic emails detailing volunteer opportunities. Please don’t let the fact that you live remote from San Diego be a barrier to signing up…others may live in the same area and might someday need your help! Join us and be one of the good guys!

Are you or do you know a former Firefighter in need of assistance?

Contact us if you know of anyone who is in need of help. We’re always here to support our community in any way we can.

Get in touch with us