
Graphic Arts Placement Memo

Graphic Arts Placement Memo

A component of the Cancer Awareness & Prevention Program (CAPP) involves marketing material, including both posters and stickers. The posters are intended to create an emotional connection with Firefighters, while the stickers will act as prompts to encourage safe workplace behaviors. We request that posters and stickers be installed/mounted in stations and apparatus as noted.

20”x30” metal poster (several versions featuring various Firefighters). Proposed placement: In a prominent area of each station, Headquarters, etc.

4” round CAPP logo sticker mounted on aluminum plate, screwed into cabinet/compartment containing hood exchange bag.

5”x7” “Clean Air” Near SCBA mounts. Sticker on aluminum plate screwed to bulkhead.

5”x7” “Clean Gear” sticker on washers.

5” x 7” “Clean Zone” on doors leading from apparatus floor into living quarters.

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